Dr. Vijay Rukmini Rao: Catalyst for Change in Social and Rural Development, Dr. Vijay Rukmini Rao, an eminent social and rural development activist, currently serves as the President of the Executive Committee of Vasundhara. With a profound commitment to uplifting the underprivileged, especially women, her influence resonates not only in Andhra Pradesh but across India. As a founding member of the Gramya Resource Centre for Women and a former Director at the Deccan Development Society, Dr. Rao has tirelessly worked to empower women farmers, championing their rights. Her extensive engagement with Saheli Women's Resource Centre in Delhi reflects a national perspective in addressing women's issues. Dr. Rao's high media profile and credibility stem from her multifaceted approach, combining grassroots activism with policy advocacy. Her enduring dedication to the cause has made her a thought leader, contributing significantly to the discourse on social justice. Dr. Vijay Rukmini Rao's impact extends beyond regional boundaries, making her a beacon of inspiration for those dedicated to social change. Her holistic approach, blending activism and media engagement, distinguishes her as a formidable force in the pursuit of a more equitable society. In a world where her influence reaches far and wide, Dr. Rao continues to be a guiding light for future generations of social and rural development advocates. Address: Plot no 117, Navanirman Nagar, Road no 71, Jubilee Hills 500096, Hyderabad Email: vijayrukminirao@gmail.com, vrukminirao@yahoo.com
Prof. Premananda Panda is associated with the HDF School of Management. He is the former Member Secretary, the Academy of Tribal Language and Culture and former Director of SCSTRTI Govt. of Odisha and is currently functioning as Vice- President of Vasundhara. He was also a Professor and Head of Department of Anthropology, Sambalpur University and has a teaching experience in Anthropology and Management at the Postgraduate and MTI levels of more than three decades and about two decades respectively. He has been associated academically with more than 35 universities and 15 research institutes in India and 4 universities abroad. He has completed his Ph.D. from Sambalpur University and master's degree in Anthropology from Utkal University. His experience includes Administration in Govt. and Private organizations, Teaching, Research and Training & Development. He has published seven books and more than 60 papers in books and journals of national and international repute. Address: Prof. Premananda Panda Plot No-2204/0593, Satya Vihar, Palasuni, Rasulgarh, Bhubaneswar-751010
Mr. Tushar Dash is a researcher working on forest rights and governance issues in India. He is associated with national initiatives of civil society organizations working for the implementation of Community Forest Rights provisions of the Forest Rights Act. He is also associated with organizations of pastoral communities supporting their work on forest rights for pastoral communities. He has conducted several training programs on FRA organized by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs for the state governments as well as learning workshops for the civil society organizations, development agencies and academic institutions. He has served in committees and policy forums set up by the central and state governments and has written extensively on the implementation of FRA. Address: C/O-Subrat Kishore Roy, Plot No 653, BJB Nagar, Tankapani Road, Bhubaneswar, 751014, Odisha
Dr. Neera Mendiratta Singh is a founding member of Vasundhara and is currently functioning as a Member of its Executive Committee (EC). She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geography and Planning at the University of Toronto. She has longstanding association with community forestry issues in Odisha and India. Her experience includes research on self-initiated community forestry initiatives, gender and equity issues, and policy advocacy and networking around forest-based livelihood issues. She has an interdisciplinary social sciences Ph.D. from Michigan State University and a master's degree in forestry management (India) and a B.Sc (Mathematical Statistics) (India). Address: Ms. Neera Mendiratta Singh Founder Member 27 Parkland Road Toronto,ON M1N1Y7, Canada
Dr. S.Seethalakshmi (Usha) is an independent researcher & activist. For over 25 years, she has worked with several organisations (regional, national and international) including Government institutions in various capacities (as a researcher, trainer, advisor/consultant etc) on issues related to resource governance rights of local communities (especially land and forests), land conflicts and the politics of land acquisition for public purpose projects, rehabilitation and resettlement rights, agrarian crisis and rural livelihoods, gender responsive budgeting etc. A large part of her research over the past 15 years has been on issues related to the nature and politics of land acquisition for public purpose projects, diversion of farm land for non-farm purposes, as well as a deeper engagement with questions of Women’s rights related to land and forests in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. She is currently associated with MAKAAM (Mahila Kisan Adhikaar Manch), a national platform with a presence in 24 States across India, that is working to secure identity, rights, and entitlements for women farmers.
Dr. Geetanjoy Sahu is an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Science, Technology, and Society, School of Habitat Studies, Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS), Mumbai. His research and teaching interests include environmental jurisprudence, environmental regulation, and policy, forest rights and governance, the political economy of public policy and institutions, and environmental movements. He earlier served as a post-doctoral associate at the Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Environment and Development (CISED), Bengaluru. He holds Ph.D. in political science from the Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bengaluru, and an MPhil from the Hyderabad Central University (HCU), Hyderabad. He served as a member of various government committees in different capacities, he was a member of the environmental sub-group of Kerala State Planning Commission in Preparing the draft paper for the 13th Planning Commission, Government of Kerala in 2016. He was part of the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India, New Delhi Committee to discuss the requirement of notification to make the accreditation system for environmental consultants in India mandatory or not in 2016. and also, a member of the Department of Planning and Development, Government of Odisha, Committee to discuss planning activities for the State of Odisha (2013-2014). In addition to this, he is a member of the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE), New Delhi, and anchors the research activity of Community Forest Rights-Learning Advocacy (CFR-LA)- a civil society group that works on community forest rights in India. Address: Dr. Geetanjoy Sahu Assistant Professor, Centre for Science, Technology & Society School of Habitat Studies Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Deonar, Mumbai-400088
Ms. Madhu Sarin is a member of the Vasundhara's Executive Committee (EC). Since the early 1980s, she has worked on rural development planning participatory and sustainable forest management, gender justice and women's empowerment, combining grassroots work with advocacy for policy changes at the state and national levels. Ms. Sarin has written extensively on these issues, with papers published in international and national level books and journals. She was a member of the drafting committee and Technical Support Group appointed by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, for the Tribal and Forest Dwellers (Forest Rights) Bill. She is also actively associated with the National Campaign for Survival and Dignity. In addition to being on the governing board of several NGOs in India, such as Vikram Sarabai Centre for Development Interaction (VIKSAT), Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), and Sutra, she also serves on the boards of Regional Community Forestry Training Center (Bangkok) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), UK. She has an extensive understanding of issues relating to forests, tribal land rights, and forest governance in Odisha; and provides extensive advisory inputs to Vasundhara's interventions. Address: Ms. Madhu Sarin 48, Sector 4, Chandigarh
Aurobindo Rout is a dedicated professional with over 19 years of experience in advocacy, policy implementation, and capacity building in the domain of forest rights and natural resource management. With a strong foundation in philosophy and a passion for empowering marginalized communities, he has played pivotal roles in implementing the Forest Rights Act (FRA) 2006, leading initiatives like the Mo Jungle Jami Yojana (MJJY), and facilitating habitat and community forest rights for tribal populations. Currently serving as the Team Leader for the Tenure and Tenurial Security Team and Treasurer in Vasundhara, Aurobindo has excelled in designing training programs, conducting research, and fostering collaborations between government bodies, civil societies, and local communities. His expertise includes advocacy for land rights, and strengthening community forestry groups. Aurobindo is also a regular columnist in prominent dailies, writing on the rights of forest-dwelling communities, and has authored the book Vidya Hin Bimukti, which illuminates various aspects of human life. An articulate communicator and published author, he combines analytical thinking, team leadership, and a deep commitment to social justice to drive sustainable development and inclusivity. Address: At- Bantala, PO- Kadabaranga, Dist- Bhadrak, PIN- 756135